Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well today happens to be my 28th birthday, on the 28th which means this should be my lucky year.  Things are going pretty well leading up to it so I can't wait to see where I'll be at in a year.  Posts will likely be short and sporadic this week as I get back into the swing of working full time plus getting all my workouts in.  Zumba kicked my butt yesterday, in a good way, I can feel it a little today.  Alright, I gotta run.  Hope everyone is well I haven't had a chance to read very many blogs this week. 



  1. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Happy birthday! Hope you're having an awesome day :)

  3. Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday tooooooo you
    Haaaappy biiiiirthday dear Leeeeeeeeaaaaaaah!
    Happy birthday to you!
