Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tracking Calories = Obvious Issues

So true to my word I have been tracking every morsel of food entering my mouth since yesterday.  Let me tell you today was a true example of where I am screwing up.  When I am tired, I just make horrible judgment calls.  Writing it down is really (forcing me) giving me the chance to look things over.


Shredded Wheat Cereal, 2 biscuits (1 serving) 160                  
Milk, 1%, 0.75 cup      83                    
Brown Sugar, 2 tsp unpacked   23      
Breakfast TOTAL:       265    


Cucumber (with peel), 0.5 cup slices     7                      
Yellow Peppers (bell peppers), 10 strips           14      
Carrots, raw, 0.25 cup, strips or slices 13                    
Turkey breast meat, 150 grams             156                  
Goat Cheese, Soft, 1 oz            76                    
Kraft Poppyseed dressing, 3 tbsp         135                  
Cracker, Triscuit, 0.9 oz           115                  
aero (43g bar), 0.2 serving        47                    
Tim Horton's Large DBL DBL, 1 serving          230                  

Lunch TOTAL:             791                  

Tortellini Pasta Dinner with tomato and turkey sauce, 1 serving            700                  0          
Dinner TOTALS:          700    

Can of Coke, 1 serving             160    
Snack TOTALS:          160    

 TOTAL for the DAY: 1,917       TARGET: 1,710 - 2,060

So overall I am on target calorie wise.  However, look at my choice right away I notice lots of sugary things the coke, chocolate and the coffee.
Now lets look at the crappy work I did today.

Milk, 1%, 0.75 cup      83      
Brown Sugar, 2 tsp unpacked  23       
Shredded Wheat Cereal, 2 biscuits (1 serving) 160     
Breakfast TOTALS:     265

Cucumber (with peel), 0.5 cup slices     7        
Yellow Peppers (bell peppers), 10 strips           14      
Carrots, raw, 0.25 cup, strips or slices 13      
Turkey breast meat, 150 grams             156    
Goat Cheese, Soft, 1 oz            76      
Kraft Poppyseed dressing, 3 tbsp         135    
aero (43g bar), 0.2 serving        47      
Tim Horton's Large DBL DBL, 1 serving          230    
Lunch TOTALS:          677

Beef Stew, 2 serving     472    
Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices), 1.5 serving        270    
Margarine, 1.5 serving 53      
Dinner TOTALS: 795

Post workout meal (why oh why did I do this):
Almonds, dry roasted, 0.13 cup whole kernels 107    
Cashew Nuts, dry roasted, 0.13 cup, halves and whole             102    
Pumpkin Spice Donut, 1 serving            260
Post Workout Meal: 469 (AHHHHHH!!!!!)

Chocolate Milk, 1 cup 201    
Plain Lays Chips Baked, 1 serving        130    
Snack TOTALS:          331

TOTAL for the DAY: 2537

Again it's the sugar that is killing me.  I must must must trim down the refined sugar and add in some fruit.  I certainly will not be posting all my food all the time but just wanted to take a look at it. At the very least I can clearly see where I am going wrong and therefore can make major improvements to the eating.  What I am really missing since the fall weather kicked in is fruit.  I generally speaking don't like fruit.  I love berries and had them in smoothies all summer long.  I love baked fruits too but those are often found in baked good.    I need a warm comfort food that involves fruit and is low cal......hmmmmmm I am on the hunt now..



  1. Yeah, that's what it looks like for me, too, on most of these days... everything is fine until dinner... I stick with my fruit and vegetables and lots of water, and I am really good, and then... why not have some icecream? And chocolate? And crisps? And...? *lol*

    Oh, by the way... I remember sometime ago you were looking for fast low-calorie recipes. Still looking? I could possibly give you some (I don't count calories, but stick to a point-system, and I have some wonderful low-point recipes that are easily made and in some cases even really inexpensive).

  2. I will look to see if I can find anything for you. Keep up to good work. you are working hard and it shows.

  3. Crazy lady! I don't know how you are counting! IT WOULD DRIVE ME CRAZY! the one thing I do check is fat and sodium! They are really scary in a lot of products!! I wish you luck and strength in counting!

    Miss Bea

  4. If you bake apples, you can stuff them with whatever you want - most fillings involve marchpane, thus not really healthy, but I am sure there are healthier options. Like, dried fruit for example? A tiny amount of nuts or almonds? Or you could bake it without anything and add some cinnamon.

    (Remove core from apple, put in oven-proof pan which has been sprayed with oil (thinly!), bake for 15-20min at 180-200°C, add cinnamon - according to a recipe I found, this has only about 50kcal.)

  5. Diandra - thanks for the recipe idea and the encouragement I really appreciate it!

    Smiley - first I miss you like crazy! second - I would love it if you had some recipes to share

    Miss Bea - it is driving me nuts but I feel it's an important step for the next 30 days, not committing to forever here!

  6. Great job tracking your calories. It's important to use a calorie counter to make sure you plan out your meals for the week.
